Sleep - Virtual Choir 2.0, from Album "Light & Gold" (Eric Whitacre)

Sleep is available on Eric Whitacre's new album "Light & Gold."

The 2011 Virtual Choir video features 2052 performances of 'Sleep' from 1752 singers in 58 countries, individually recorded and uploaded to YouTube between September 2010 and January 2011.

Composed and Conducted by Eric Whitacre
Poetry by Charles Anthony Silvestri
Directed by rehabstudio/Cake
Design and Animation by Thiago Maia, David Pocull and Sebastian Baptista
Produced by Christophe Taddei
Audio produced by Floating Earth
Music published by Walton Music
Virtual Choir 2.0 managed by Tony Piper
Eric Whitacre managed by Claire L...

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Friday, September 16, 2011 - 22:23

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