(1st Part of Song is 0:00-4:14) [2nd Part of Song is 6:16-7:46]



your throwin' sticks and stones, your breakin' my bones man
I can see you got to leave it alone
your trying hard, pushing hard, trying hard, pushing harder
but I'm smartest, I want you to know this
you gotta get down if you want to hang around [x3]
and if you want to hang around you gotta get down
what ever happend to girls that were freakin
everybody was streakin it was no big thing man
if I had the choice I'd bring it all back

everybody's talkin' bout me gonna blow my stack
you gotta get down if you want to hang around [x3]
and if you want to hang around you gotta get down
dance around the pool in a jock like Hammer
g-string up my ass so my cheeks are getting tanner
now I'm in the chaise lounge in a Burt Reynolds pose
socks on my feet you know I got ugly toes
motherfucker I'm Mark with a K not a C
when I'm face down get a ride from McG
you gotta get down if you want to hang around [x3]
and if you want to hang around...you gotta get down

Submited by

Friday, July 29, 2011 - 20:33

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Rui Lima

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Joined: 03/04/2011
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